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Showing posts from February, 2020

Because it's Valentine's Day

Earlier this morning, while I was ruminating on the topic I was going to write about, a friend walked up to me and asked if I had any plans for tomorrow. At first, I wondered what was so special about tomorrow to make her ask me about my plans, then it hit me, "Valentine's Day". People have been posting about it all week but I didn't really pay attention to it, seeing as I live alone and I have nobody to spend it with. So I told this friend of mine that I had zero plans and that I wasn't even sure if that was going to change, since almost every restaurant, mall and what have you in this town would be packed. I really wasn't interested in putting myself through the stress of waiting in line at a crowded restaurant to buy myself something I can always get on a good day just because I want to celebrate Valentine's day. All I had in mind was to sit in my room, read a book or two, listen to music and just zone out, retreat into my own world. When this frie

About Relationships

Most times, many of us get into relationships, unsure of our emotions or what we really want to gain out of the relationship. We don't really sit down to weigh our present circumstances and how said circumstances would affect our relationships and vice-versa. Most of us, teenagers and young adults, allow ourselves to be swayed and carried by the fast flowing river of our emotions. The resulting effect of these can be seen in the numerous failed relationships many of us get into before even reaching adulthood or maturity. As a result of this immaturity, we also discover that many of us are unable to keep on having a normal functional friendship with our exes, reason being that we never sat down to really define our relationships before rushing into them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's compulsory to continue being friends with your ex after breaking up, but sometimes, the main reason why you find it difficult to continue being friends with your ex is that outsi